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If they like you ❤️  too, it's a match ⭐️ and you can chat.

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Tap to see more pictures of a person you like.


If they swipe right too, it's a match!


Only people you've matched with can message you.

Welcome to

The hottest community of singles in the world. Don't be shy, come on over. Meet new people, expand your social network, meet locals when you're traveling, or just live in the now, you've come to the right place.

Like. Match. Chat.

Just tap through the profiles you're interested in, chat online with your matches, then step away from your phone. meet up in the real world and spark something new.


Now, let's get started.

And remember, when in doubt, Swipe Right. Trust us, the more options you have, the better-looking life becomes.

All Rights Reserved © 2020

Like. Match. Chat.

Just tap through the profiles you're interested in, chat online with your matches, then step away from your phone. meet up in the real world and spark something new.

Welcome to Loopdating

The hottest community of singles in the world. Don't be shy, come on over. Meet new people, expand your social network, meet lcoals when you're traveling, or just live in the nove, you've com eot the right place.


Now, let's get started.

And remember, when in doubt, Swipe Right. Trust us, the more options you have, the better-looking life becomes.

All Rights Reserved © 2020

Only people you've matched 
with can message you.

Swipe right to like someone or left to pass.

If they swipe right too, it's a match!

Tap to see more pictures of a person you like.
